
Financial difficulties require rapid reaction, creativity in devising solutions, experience in negotiating them in an adversarial environment, and extreme rigour in steering the process.

Obtaining an agreement that aligns interests and enables the company to bounce back requires significant financial and legal skills, but also interpersonal skills. The ability to manage a complex environment is essential.

Fifty or so negotiations conducted in France and internationally bilaterally as well as in amicable or collective proceedings within a "Special Affairs" department of a major investment bank add to the expertise of these situations.

In-depth knowledge of the various players involved and a fine-tuned command of tactical process management maximise the chances of arriving at the most optimised solution.

Related services
Project ownership

Solvely Conseil provides project management for both Restructuring & special situations and Debt advisory & growth.

Technical know-how is an essential component of making operations reliable.

The main tools, techniques or methods for financial analysis and planning and the main criteria and issues for legal analysis are fully integrated into the overall support approach.

Pour des besoins plus spécifiques (par exemple le recours à une fiducie, la réalisation d’une IBR, l’intervention d’un avocat, d’un mandataire), Solvely peut mobiliser les compétences externes des meilleurs spécialistes.

Solvely provides financial advisory services covering long term and working capital financing solutions, the renegotiation of existing credit lines, and the optimisation of the overall financing structure to reduce the average cost of resources or to facilitate business development.

During external growth and build-up transactions, Solvely also assists you with the due diligence, risk management, negotiation, contracting and financing phases.

The experience gained in analysis and structuring of financing on the occasion of transactions led by the largest French and international private equity funds or by companies of all sizes in a wide range of sectors, contributes to the mastery of all key stages of the financial optimisation process.

Value, risk and the operational dimension are integrated into a comprehensive support approach.


Related services
Project ownership

Solvely Conseil provides project management for both Restructuring & special situations and Debt advisory & growth.

Technical know-how is an essential component of making operations reliable.

The main tools, techniques or methods for financial analysis and planning and the main criteria and issues for legal analysis are fully integrated into the overall support approach.

Pour des besoins plus spécifiques (par exemple le recours à une fiducie, la réalisation d’une IBR, l’intervention d’un avocat, d’un mandataire), Solvely peut mobiliser les compétences externes des meilleurs spécialistes.

In a constantly changing environment where complexity is becoming an integral part of a company's day-to-day business, mastering its global universe of risks is becoming a key issue in the sustainable creation of value.

1/3 of French SMEs have seen their risk increase in 2023 vs. 2022 and 3/4 of companies have experienced at least one crisis in the last 5 years.

Risk and risk management have been at the heart of my business for over 25 years.

Solvely's area of excellence ?

Knowing how to analyse a risk environment in its entirety and put in place the relevant identification, diagnosis and monitoring tools in close collaboration with management team leaders and in accordance with the corporate culture and the resources allocated.

Solvely stands by your side to:

The training provided is structured around the theoretical and academic framework required for a proper understanding of the topics covered, but it also places a great deal of emphasis on sharing experiences and professional expertise to target operational efficiency and encourage practical application.

Some exemples ?

  • Awareness-raising and training on fraud risk prevention (in-house training for 3,000 managers using a combination of face-to-face and distance learning)
  • Participation in APIA's internal training programmes on amicable settlement procedures and the risk, audit and control function.
  • Technical analysis and update on regulatory issues (forebearance and default) for a real estate client
Solvely can upon request:

Organise ad hoc training and refresher courses for managers of SMEs, start-ups, Comex members, directors, executives, etc. on subjects within its areas of expertise, in particular :

Solvely is not an approved "training organisation". The training provided is carried out exclusively as an independent trainer and is established on the basis of a contract for the provision of services outside the scope of articles L6313-1 to L6313-3 of the French Labour Code relating to continuing vocational training.

Obtaining an agreement that aligns interests and enables the company to bounce back requires significant financial and legal skills, but also interpersonal skills. The ability to manage a complex environment is essential.

Financial difficulties require rapid reaction, creativity in devising solutions, experience in negotiating them in an adversarial environment, and extreme rigour in steering the process.

Fifty or so negotiations conducted in France and internationally bilaterally as well as in amicable or collective proceedings within a "Special Affairs" department of a major investment bank add to the expertise of these situations.

In-depth knowledge of the various players involved and a fine-tuned command of tactical process management maximise the chances of arriving at the most optimised solution.

Solvely stands by your side to:
Solvely réalise :
Related services

Solvely Conseil provides project management for both Restructuring & special situations and Debt advisory & growth.

Technical know-how is an essential component of making operations reliable.

The main tools, techniques or methods for financial analysis and planning and the main criteria and issues for legal analysis are fully integrated into the overall support approach.

For more specific needs (e.g. the use of a trust, the performance of an IBR, the involvement of a lawyer, a trustee), Solvely can mobilise the skills of the best specialists.

Lors d’opérations de croissance externe et de build-up, Solvely vous accompagne sur les phases de due diligence, de maîtrise des risques, de négociation, de contractualisation et de financement.

L’expérience acquise en analyse et structuration de financements, notamment à l’occasion de nombreuses opérations conduites par les plus grands fonds de private Equity français et internationaux participe à la maîtrise de l’ensemble des étapes-clés du process d’optimisation financière. Valeur, risque et dimension opérationnelle sont intégrés dans une démarche globale d’accompagnement.

Solvely intervient en conseil financier sur la recherche de nouveaux financements haut et bas de bilan, la renégociation de lignes de crédit existantes, l’optimisation de la structure de financement pour diminuer le coût moyen des ressources ou préparer l’avenir.

Solvely stands by your side to:
Solvely réalise :
Related services

Solvely Conseil provides project management for both Restructuring & special situations and Debt advisory & growth.

Technical know-how is an essential component of making operations reliable.

The main tools, techniques or methods for financial analysis and planning and the main criteria and issues for legal analysis are fully integrated into the overall support approach.

For more specific needs (e.g. the use of a trust, the performance of an IBR, the involvement of a lawyer, a trustee), Solvely can mobilise the skills of the best specialists.

In a constantly changing environment where complexity is becoming an integral part of a company's day-to-day business, mastering its global universe of risks is becoming a key issue in the sustainable creation of value.

1/3 of French SMEs have seen their risk increase in 2023 vs. 2022 and 3/4 of companies have experienced at least one crisis in the last 5 years.

Risk and risk management have been at the heart of my business for over 25 years.

Solvely's area of excellence ?

Knowing how to analyse a risk environment in its entirety and put in place the relevant identification, diagnosis and monitoring tools in close collaboration with management team leaders and in accordance with the corporate culture and the resources allocated.

Solvely stands by your side to:

Les formations présentent le cadre théorique et académique nécessaire à la bonne compréhension des thématiques abordées, mais elles font également une large place au partage d’expériences et au vécu professionnel pour viser l’efficience opérationnelle et favoriser une mise en application concrète.

Some exemples ?

  • Awareness-raising and training on fraud risk prevention (in-house training for 3,000 managers using a combination of face-to-face and distance learning)
  • Participation in APIA's internal training programmes on amicable settlement procedures and the risk, audit and control function.
  • Technical analysis and update on regulatory issues (forebearance and default) for a real estate client
Solvely stands by your side to:
Solvely is not an approved "training organisation". The training provided is carried out exclusively as an independent trainer and is established on the basis of a contract for the provision of services outside the scope of articles L6313-1 to L6313-3 of the French Labour Code relating to continuing vocational training.